You can follow along to the very end 🙂
Then next you will see something like this simply fill out all the data correctly like so
[upl-image-preview uuid=2417608e-dc83-48d4-b64a-f0c5545ba5bf url= alt={TEXT?}]
>- Nothing Phone 1
>**Android Version:**
>- Android: 15
>**Pluvia Version:**
>- Pluvia: v1.3.1
> **Configuration(s):**
>- None
> **Issue(s):**
>- Not compatible with controller and some times started slowly (It works with keyboard)
> **Game Store:**
Check this Discussion post out on how images work: Read Post (If clicked it will open in current tab so it will trash your discussion if your currently making one, so click with middle mouse)
Then when your done click Post Discussion